Source code for gcloud.datastore.query

import copy

from gcloud.datastore import datastore_v1_pb2 as datastore_pb
from gcloud.datastore import helpers
from gcloud.datastore.entity import Entity

# TODO: Figure out how to properly handle namespaces.

[docs]class Query(object): """A Query against the Cloud Datastore. This class serves as an abstraction for creating a query over data stored in the Cloud Datastore. Each :class:`Query` object is immutable, and a clone is returned whenever any part of the query is modified:: >>> query = Query('MyKind') >>> limited_query = query.limit(10) >>> query.limit() == 10 False >>> limited_query.limit() == 10 True You typically won't construct a :class:`Query` by initializing it like ``Query('MyKind', dataset=...)`` but instead use the helper :func:`gcloud.datastore.dataset.Dataset.query` method which generates a query that can be executed without any additional work:: >>> from gcloud import datastore >>> dataset = datastore.get_dataset('dataset-id', email, key_path) >>> query = dataset.query('MyKind') :type kind: string :param kind: The kind to query. :type dataset: :class:`gcloud.datastore.dataset.Dataset` :param dataset: The dataset to query. """ OPERATORS = { '<': datastore_pb.PropertyFilter.LESS_THAN, '<=': datastore_pb.PropertyFilter.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, '>': datastore_pb.PropertyFilter.GREATER_THAN, '>=': datastore_pb.PropertyFilter.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, '=': datastore_pb.PropertyFilter.EQUAL, } """Mapping of operator strings and their protobuf equivalents.""" def __init__(self, kind=None, dataset=None): self._dataset = dataset self._pb = datastore_pb.Query() if kind: self._pb.kind.add().name = kind def _clone(self): # TODO(jjg): Double check that this makes sense... clone = copy.deepcopy(self) clone._dataset = self._dataset # Shallow copy the dataset. return clone
[docs] def to_protobuf(self): """Convert the :class:`Query` instance to a :class:`gcloud.datastore.datastore_v1_pb2.Query`. :rtype: :class:`gclouddatstore.datastore_v1_pb2.Query` :returns: A Query protobuf that can be sent to the protobuf API. """ return self._pb
[docs] def filter(self, expression, value): """Filter the query based on an expression and a value. This will return a clone of the current :class:`Query` filtered by the expression and value provided. Expressions take the form of:: .filter('<property> <operator>', <value>) where property is a property stored on the entity in the datastore and operator is one of ``OPERATORS`` (ie, ``=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``>``, ``>=``):: >>> query = Query('Person') >>> filtered_query = query.filter('name =', 'James') >>> filtered_query = query.filter('age >', 50) Because each call to ``.filter()`` returns a cloned ``Query`` object we are able to string these together:: >>> query = Query('Person').filter('name =', 'James').filter('age >', 50) :type expression: string :param expression: An expression of a property and an operator (ie, ``=``). :type value: integer, string, boolean, float, None, datetime :param value: The value to filter on. :rtype: :class:`Query` :returns: A Query filtered by the expression and value provided. """ clone = self._clone() # Take an expression like 'property >=', and parse it into useful pieces. property_name, operator = None, None expression = expression.strip() for operator_string in self.OPERATORS: if expression.endswith(operator_string): operator = self.OPERATORS[operator_string] property_name = expression[0:-len(operator_string)].strip() if not operator or not property_name: raise ValueError('Invalid expression: "%s"' % expression) # Build a composite filter AND'd together. composite_filter = clone._pb.filter.composite_filter composite_filter.operator = datastore_pb.CompositeFilter.AND # Add the specific filter property_filter = composite_filter.filter.add().property_filter = property_name property_filter.operator = operator # Set the value to filter on based on the type. attr_name, pb_value = helpers.get_protobuf_attribute_and_value(value) setattr(property_filter.value, attr_name, pb_value) return clone
[docs] def kind(self, *kinds): """Get or set the Kind of the Query. .. note:: This is an **additive** operation. That is, if the Query is set for kinds A and B, and you call ``.kind('C')``, it will query for kinds A, B, *and*, C. :type kinds: string :param kinds: The entity kinds for which to query. :rtype: string or :class:`Query` :returns: If no arguments, returns the kind. If a kind is provided, returns a clone of the :class:`Query` with those kinds set. """ # TODO: Do we want this to be additive? # If not, clear the _pb.kind attribute. if kinds: clone = self._clone() for kind in kinds: clone._pb.kind.add().name = kind return clone else: return self._pb.kind
[docs] def limit(self, limit=None): """Get or set the limit of the Query. This is the maximum number of rows (Entities) to return for this Query. This is a hybrid getter / setter, used as:: >>> query = Query('Person') >>> query = query.limit(100) # Set the limit to 100 rows. >>> query.limit() # Get the limit for this query. 100 :rtype: integer, None, or :class:`Query` :returns: If no arguments, returns the current limit. If a limit is provided, returns a clone of the :class:`Query` with that limit set. """ if limit: clone = self._clone() clone._pb.limit = limit return clone else: return self._pb.limit
[docs] def dataset(self, dataset=None): """Get or set the :class:`gcloud.datastore.dataset.Dataset` for this Query. This is the dataset against which the Query will be run. This is a hybrid getter / setter, used as:: >>> query = Query('Person') >>> query = query.dataset(my_dataset) # Set the dataset. >>> query.dataset() # Get the current dataset. <Dataset object> :rtype: :class:`gcloud.datastore.dataset.Dataset`, None, or :class:`Query` :returns: If no arguments, returns the current dataset. If a dataset is provided, returns a clone of the :class:`Query` with that dataset set. """ if dataset: clone = self._clone() clone._dataset = dataset return clone else: return self._dataset
[docs] def fetch(self, limit=None): """Executes the Query and returns all matching entities. This makes an API call to the Cloud Datastore, sends the Query as a protobuf, parses the responses to Entity protobufs, and then converts them to :class:`gcloud.datastore.entity.Entity` objects. For example:: >>> from gcloud import datastore >>> dataset = datastore.get_dataset('dataset-id', email, key_path) >>> query = dataset.query('Person').filter('name =', 'Sally') >>> query.fetch() [<Entity object>, <Entity object>, ...] >>> query.fetch(1) [<Entity object>] >>> query.limit() None :type limit: integer :param limit: An optional limit to apply temporarily to this query. That is, the Query itself won't be altered, but the limit will be applied to the query before it is executed. :rtype: list of :class:`gcloud.datastore.entity.Entity`'s :returns: The list of entities matching this query's criteria. """ clone = self if limit: clone = self.limit(limit) entity_pbs = self.dataset().connection().run_query( query_pb=clone.to_protobuf(), dataset_id=self.dataset().id()) return [Entity.from_protobuf(entity) for entity in entity_pbs]