Source code for gcloud.datastore.transaction
from gcloud.datastore import datastore_v1_pb2 as datastore_pb
from gcloud.datastore.key import Key
[docs]class Transaction(object):
"""An abstraction representing datastore Transactions.
Transactions can be used
to build up a bulk mutuation
as well as provide isolation.
For example,
the following snippet of code
will put the two ``save`` operations
(either ``insert_auto_id`` or ``upsert``)
into the same mutation, and execute those within a transaction::
>>> from gcloud import datastore
>>> dataset = datastore.get_dataset('dataset-id', email, key_path)
>>> with dataset.transaction(bulk_mutation=True) # The default.
To rollback a transaction if there is an error::
>>> from gcloud import datastore
>>> dataset = datastore.get_dataset('dataset-id', email, key_path)
>>> with dataset.transaction() as t:
... try:
... do_some_work()
... except:
... t.rollback()
If the transaction isn't rolled back,
it will commit by default.
.. warning::
Inside a transaction,
automatically assigned IDs for entities
will not be available at save time!
That means,
if you try::
>>> with dataset.transaction():
... entity = dataset.entity('Thing').save()
``entity`` won't have a complete Key
until the transaction is committed.
Once you exit the transaction (or call ``commit()``),
the automatically generated ID will be assigned
to the entity::
>>> with dataset.transaction():
... entity = dataset.entity('Thing')
... assert entity.key().is_partial() # There is no ID on this key.
>>> assert not entity.key().is_partial() # There *is* an ID on this key.
.. warning::
If you're using the automatically generated ID functionality,
it's important that you only use
rather than using
:func:`gcloud.datastore.connection.Connection.save_entity` directly.
If you mix the two,
the results will have extra IDs generated
and it could jumble things up.
If you don't want to use the context manager
you can initialize a transaction manually::
>>> transaction = dataset.transaction()
>>> transaction.begin()
>>> entity = dataset.entity('Thing')
>>> if error:
... transaction.rollback()
... else:
... transaction.commit()
For now,
this library will enforce a rule of
one transaction per connection.
That is,
If you want to work with two transactions at the same time
(for whatever reason),
that must happen over two separate
:class:`gcloud.datastore.connection.Connection` s.
For example, this is perfectly valid::
>>> from gcloud import datastore
>>> dataset = datastore.get_dataset('dataset-id', email, key_path)
>>> with dataset.transaction():
... dataset.entity('Thing').save()
However, this **wouldn't** be acceptable::
>>> from gcloud import datastore
>>> dataset = datastore.get_dataset('dataset-id', email, key_path)
>>> with dataset.transaction():
... dataset.entity('Thing').save()
... with dataset.transaction():
... dataset.entity('Thing').save()
Technically, it looks like the Protobuf API supports this type of pattern,
however it makes the code particularly messy.
If you really need to nest transactions, try::
>>> from gcloud import datastore
>>> dataset1 = datastore.get_dataset('dataset-id', email, key_path)
>>> dataset2 = datastore.get_dataset('dataset-id', email, key_path)
>>> with dataset1.transaction():
... dataset1.entity('Thing').save()
... with dataset2.transaction():
... dataset2.entity('Thing').save()
:type dataset: :class:`gcloud.datastore.dataset.Dataset`
:param dataset: The dataset to which this :class:`Transaction` belongs.
def __init__(self, dataset):
self._dataset = dataset
self._id = None
self._mutation = datastore_pb.Mutation()
self._auto_id_entities = []
[docs] def connection(self):
"""Getter for the current connection over which the transaction will run.
:rtype: :class:`gcloud.datastore.connection.Connection`
:returns: The connection over which the transaction will run.
return self.dataset().connection()
[docs] def dataset(self):
"""Getter for the current dataset.
:rtype: :class:`gcloud.datastore.dataset.Dataset`
:returns: The dataset to which the transaction belongs.
return self._dataset
[docs] def id(self):
"""Getter for the transaction ID.
:rtype: string
:returns: The ID of the current transaction.
return self._id
[docs] def mutation(self):
"""Getter for the current mutation.
Every transaction is committed
with a single Mutation
representing the 'work' to be done as part of the transaction.
Inside a transaction,
calling ``save()`` on an entity
builds up the mutation.
This getter returns the Mutation protobuf
that has been built-up so far.
:rtype: :class:`gcloud.datastore.datastore_v1_pb2.Mutation`
:returns: The Mutation protobuf to be sent in the commit request.
return self._mutation
[docs] def add_auto_id_entity(self, entity):
"""Adds an entity to the list of entities to update with IDs.
When an entity has a partial key,
calling ``save()`` adds an insert_auto_id entry in the mutation.
In order to make sure we update the Entity
once the transaction is committed,
we need to keep track of which entities to update
(and the order is important).
When you call ``save()`` on an entity inside a transaction,
if the entity has a partial key,
it adds itself to the list of entities to be updated
once the transaction is committed
by calling this method.
[docs] def begin(self):
"""Begins a transaction.
This method is called automatically when entering a with statement,
however it can be called explicitly
if you don't want to use a context manager.
self._id = self.connection().begin_transaction(self.dataset().id())
[docs] def rollback(self):
"""Rolls back the current transaction.
This method has necessary side-effects:
- Sets the current connection's transaction reference to None.
- Sets the current transaction's ID to None.
self._id = None
[docs] def commit(self):
"""Commits the transaction.
This is called automatically upon exiting a with statement,
however it can be called explicitly
if you don't want to use a context manager.
This method has necessary side-effects:
- Sets the current connection's transaction reference to None.
- Sets the current transaction's ID to None.
- Updates paths for any keys that needed an automatically generated ID.
# It's possible that they called commit() already, in which case
# we shouldn't do any committing of our own.
if self.connection().transaction():
result = self.connection().commit(self.dataset().id(), self.mutation())
# For any of the auto-id entities, make sure we update their keys.
for i, entity in enumerate(self._auto_id_entities):
key_pb = result.insert_auto_id_key[i]
key = Key.from_protobuf(key_pb)
# Tell the connection that the transaction is over.
# Clear our own ID in case this gets accidentally reused.
self._id = None
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):