Source code for

This module makes it simple to interact
with the access control lists that Cloud Storage provides.

:class:`` has a getting method
that creates an ACL object under the hood,
and you can interact with that using

  >>> from gcloud import storage
  >>> connection = storage.get_connection(project_name, email, key_path)
  >>> bucket = connection.get_bucket(bucket_name)
  >>> acl = bucket.get_acl()

Adding and removing permissions can be done with the following methods
(in increasing order of granularity):

- :func:`ACL.all`
  corresponds to access for all users.
- :func:`ACL.all_authenticated` corresponds
  to access for all users that are signed into a Google account.
- :func:`ACL.domain` corresponds to access on a
  per Google Apps domain (ie, ````).
- :func:`` corresponds to access on a
  per group basis (either by ID or e-mail address).
- :func:`ACL.user` corresponds to access on a
  per user basis (either by ID or e-mail address).

And you are able to ``grant`` and ``revoke`` the following roles:

- **Reading**:
  :func:`ACL.Entity.grant_read` and :func:`ACL.Entity.revoke_read`
- **Writing**:
  :func:`ACL.Entity.grant_write` and :func:`ACL.Entity.revoke_write`
- **Owning**:
  :func:`ACL.Entity.grant_owner` and :func:`ACL.Entity.revoke_owner`

You can use any of these like any other factory method
(these happen to be :class:`ACL.Entity` factories)::

  >>> acl.user('').grant_read()
  >>> acl.all_authenticated().grant_write()

You can also chain
these ``grant_*`` and ``revoke_*`` methods
together for brevity::

  >>> acl.all().grant_read().revoke_write()

After that,
you can save any changes you make
with the :func:`` method::


You can alternatively save any existing
:class:`` object
(whether it was created by a factory method or not)
with the :func:`` method::

  >>> bucket.save_acl(acl)

To get the list
of ``entity`` and ``role``
for each unique pair,
the :class:`ACL` class is iterable::

  >>> print list(ACL)
  [{'role': 'OWNER', 'entity': 'allUsers'}, ...]

This list of tuples can be used as the ``entity`` and ``role``
fields when sending metadata for ACLs to the API.

[docs]class ACL(object): """Container class representing a list of access controls."""
[docs] class Role(object): """Enum style class for role-type constants.""" Reader = 'READER' Writer = 'WRITER' Owner = 'OWNER'
[docs] class Entity(object): """Class representing a set of roles for an entity. This is a helper class that you likely won't ever construct outside of using the factor methods on the :class:`ACL` object. """ def __init__(self, type, identifier=None): """ :type type: string :param type: The type of entity (ie, 'group' or 'user'). :type identifier: string :param identifier: The ID or e-mail of the entity. For the special entity types (like 'allUsers') this is optional. """ # TODO: Add validation of types. self.identifier = identifier self.roles = set([]) self.type = type def __str__(self): if not self.identifier: return str(self.type) else: return '{self.type}-{self.identifier}'.format(self=self) def __repr__(self): return '<ACL Entity: {self} ({roles})>'.format( self=self, roles=', '.join(self.roles))
[docs] def get_roles(self): """Get the list of roles permitted by this entity. :rtype: list of strings :returns: The list of roles associated with this entity. """ return self.roles
[docs] def grant(self, role): """Add a role to the entity. :type role: string :param role: The role to add to the entity. :rtype: :class:`ACL.Entity` :returns: The entity class. """ self.roles.add(role) return self
[docs] def revoke(self, role): """Remove a role from the entity. :type role: string :param role: The role to remove from the entity. :rtype: :class:`ACL.Entity` :returns: The entity class. """ if role in self.roles: self.roles.remove(role) return self
[docs] def grant_read(self): """Grant read access to the current entity.""" return self.grant(ACL.Role.Reader)
[docs] def grant_write(self): """Grant write access to the current entity.""" return self.grant(ACL.Role.Writer)
[docs] def grant_owner(self): """Grant owner access to the current entity.""" return self.grant(ACL.Role.Owner)
[docs] def revoke_read(self): """Revoke read access from the current entity.""" return self.revoke(ACL.Role.Reader)
[docs] def revoke_write(self): """Revoke write access from the current entity.""" return self.revoke(ACL.Role.Writer)
[docs] def revoke_owner(self): """Revoke owner access from the current entity.""" return self.revoke(ACL.Role.Owner)
def __init__(self): self.entities = {} def __iter__(self): for entity in self.entities.itervalues(): for role in entity.get_roles(): if role: yield {'entity': str(entity), 'role': role}
[docs] def entity_from_dict(self, entity_dict): """Build an ACL.Entity object from a dictionary of data. An entity is a mutable object that represents a list of roles belonging to either a user or group or the special types for all users and all authenticated users. :type entity_dict: dict :param entity_dict: Dictionary full of data from an ACL lookup. :rtype: :class:`ACL.Entity` :returns: An Entity constructed from the dictionary. """ entity = entity_dict['entity'] role = entity_dict['role'] if entity == 'allUsers': entity = self.all() elif entity == 'allAuthenticatedUsers': entity = self.all_authenticated() elif '-' in entity: type, identifier = entity.split('-', 1) entity = self.entity(type=type, identifier=identifier) if not isinstance(entity, ACL.Entity): raise ValueError('Invalid dictionary: %s' % acl_dict) return entity.grant(role)
[docs] def has_entity(self, entity): """Returns whether or not this ACL has any entries for an entity. :type entity: :class:`ACL.Entity` :param entity: The entity to check for existence in this ACL. :rtype: bool :returns: True of the entity exists in the ACL. """ return str(entity) in self.entities
[docs] def get_entity(self, entity, default=None): """Gets an entity object from the ACL. :type entity: :class:`ACL.Entity` or string :param entity: The entity to get lookup in the ACL. :type default: anything :param default: This value will be returned if the entity doesn't exist. :rtype: :class:`ACL.Entity` :returns: The corresponding entity or the value provided to ``default``. """ return self.entities.get(str(entity), default)
[docs] def add_entity(self, entity): """Add an entity to the ACL. :type entity: :class:`ACL.Entity` :param entity: The entity to add to this ACL. """ self.entities[str(entity)] = entity
[docs] def entity(self, type, identifier=None): """Factory method for creating an Entity. If an entity with the same type and identifier already exists, this will return a reference to that entity. If not, it will create a new one and add it to the list of known entities for this ACL. :type type: string :param type: The type of entity to create (ie, ``user``, ``group``, etc) :type identifier: string :param identifier: The ID of the entity (if applicable). This can be either an ID or an e-mail address. :rtype: :class:`ACL.Entity` :returns: A new Entity or a refernece to an existing identical entity. """ entity = ACL.Entity(type=type, identifier=identifier) if self.has_entity(entity): entity = self.get_entity(entity) else: self.add_entity(entity) return entity
[docs] def user(self, identifier): """Factory method for a user Entity. :type identifier: string :param identifier: An id or e-mail for this particular user. :rtype: :class:`ACL.Entity` :returns: An Entity corresponding to this user. """ return self.entity('user', identifier=identifier)
[docs] def group(self, identifier): """Factory method for a group Entity. :type identifier: string :param identifier: An id or e-mail for this particular group. :rtype: :class:`ACL.Entity` :returns: An Entity corresponding to this group. """ return self.entity('group', identifier=identifier)
[docs] def domain(self, domain): """Factory method for a domain Entity. :type domain: string :param domain: The domain for this entity. :rtype: :class:`ACL.Entity` :returns: An entity corresponding to this domain. """ return self.entity('domain', identifier=domain)
[docs] def all(self): """Factory method for an Entity representing all users. :rtype: :class:`ACL.Entity` :returns: An entity representing all users. """ return self.entity('allUsers')
[docs] def all_authenticated(self): """Factory method for an Entity representing all authenticated users. :rtype: :class:`ACL.Entity` :returns: An entity representing all authenticated users. """ return self.entity('allAuthenticatedUsers')
[docs] def get_entities(self): """Get a list of all Entity objects. :rtype: list of :class:`ACL.Entity` objects :returns: A list of all Entity objects. """ return self.entities.values()
[docs] def save(self): """A method to be overridden by subclasses. :raises: NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class BucketACL(ACL): """An ACL specifically for a bucket.""" def __init__(self, bucket): """ :type bucket: :class:`` :param bucket: The bucket to which this ACL relates. """ super(BucketACL, self).__init__() self.bucket = bucket
[docs] def save(self): """Save this ACL for the current bucket.""" return self.bucket.save_acl(acl=self)
[docs]class DefaultObjectACL(BucketACL): """A subclass of BucketACL representing the default object ACL for a bucket."""
[docs] def save(self): """Save this ACL as the default object ACL for the current bucket.""" return self.bucket.save_default_object_acl(acl=self)
[docs]class ObjectACL(ACL): """An ACL specifically for a key.""" def __init__(self, key): """ :type key: :class:`` :param key: The key that this ACL corresponds to. """ super(ObjectACL, self).__init__() self.key = key
[docs] def save(self): """Save this ACL for the current key.""" return self.key.save_acl(acl=self)