Source code for
from import exceptions
from import BucketACL
from import DefaultObjectACL
from import KeyIterator
from import Key
[docs]class Bucket(object):
"""A class representing a Bucket on Cloud Storage.
:type connection: :class:``
:param connection: The connection to use when sending requests.
:type name: string
:param name: The name of the bucket.
def __init__(self, connection=None, name=None, metadata=None):
self.connection = connection = name
self.metadata = metadata
# ACL rules are lazily retrieved.
self.acl = None
self.default_object_acl = None
[docs] def from_dict(cls, bucket_dict, connection=None):
"""Construct a new bucket from a dictionary of data from Cloud Storage.
:type bucket_dict: dict
:param bucket_dict: The dictionary of data to construct a bucket from.
:rtype: :class:`Bucket`
:returns: A bucket constructed from the data provided.
return cls(connection=connection, name=bucket_dict['name'],
def __repr__(self):
return '<Bucket: %s>' %
def __iter__(self):
return iter(KeyIterator(bucket=self))
def __contains__(self, key):
return self.get_key(key) is not None
[docs] def path(self):
"""The URL path to this bucket."""
if not
raise ValueError('Cannot determine path without bucket name.')
return '/b/' +
[docs] def get_key(self, key):
"""Get a key object by name.
This will return None if the key doesn't exist::
>>> from gcloud import storage
>>> connection = storage.get_connection(project_name, email, key_path)
>>> bucket = connection.get_bucket('my-bucket')
>>> print bucket.get_key('/path/to/key.txt')
<Key: my-bucket, /path/to/key.txt>
>>> print bucket.get_key('/does-not-exist.txt')
:type key: string or :class:``
:param key: The name of the key to retrieve.
:rtype: :class:`` or None
:returns: The key object if it exists, otherwise None.
# Coerce this to a key object (either from a Key or a string).
key = self.new_key(key)
response = self.connection.api_request(method='GET', path=key.path)
return Key.from_dict(response, bucket=self)
except exceptions.NotFoundError:
return None
[docs] def get_all_keys(self):
"""List all the keys in this bucket.
This will **not** retrieve all the data for all the keys,
it will only retrieve metadata about the keys.
This is equivalent to::
keys = [key for key in bucket]
:rtype: list of :class:``
:returns: A list of all the Key objects in this bucket.
return list(self)
[docs] def new_key(self, key):
"""Given a path name (or a Key), return a :class:`` object.
This is really useful when you're not sure
if you have a Key object or a string path name.
Given either of those types,
this returns the corresponding Key object.
:type key: string or :class:``
:param key: A path name or actual key object.
:rtype: :class:``
:returns: A Key object with the path provided.
if isinstance(key, Key):
return key
# Support Python 2 and 3.
string_type = basestring
except NameError:
string_type = str
if isinstance(key, string_type):
return Key(bucket=self, name=key)
raise TypeError('Invalid key: %s' % key)
[docs] def delete(self):
"""Delete this bucket.
The bucket **must** be empty in order to delete it.
If the bucket doesn't exist,
this will raise a :class:``.
If the bucket is not empty,
this will raise an Exception.
:raises: :class:``
# TODO: Make sure the proper exceptions are raised.
return self.connection.delete_bucket(
[docs] def delete_key(self, key):
# TODO: Should we accept a 'silent' param here to not raise an exception?
"""Deletes a key from the current bucket.
If the key isn't found,
this will throw a :class:``.
For example::
>>> from gcloud import storage
>>> from import exceptions
>>> connection = storage.get_connection(project_name, email, key_path)
>>> bucket = connection.get_bucket('my-bucket')
>>> print bucket.get_all_keys()
[<Key: my-bucket, my-file.txt>]
>>> bucket.delete_key('my-file.txt')
>>> try:
... bucket.delete_key('doesnt-exist')
... except exceptions.NotFoundError:
... pass
:type key: string or :class:``
:param key: A key name or Key object to delete.
:rtype: :class:``
:returns: The key that was just deleted.
:raises: :class:``
key = self.new_key(key)
self.connection.api_request(method='DELETE', path=key.path)
return key
[docs] def delete_keys(self, keys):
# TODO: What should be the return value here?
# NOTE: boto returns a MultiDeleteResult instance.
for key in keys:
[docs] def copy_key(self):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def upload_file(self, filename, key=None):
# TODO: What do we do about overwriting data?
"""Shortcut method to upload a file into this bucket.
Use this method to quickly put a local file in Cloud Storage.
For example::
>>> from gcloud import storage
>>> connection = storage.get_connection(project_name, email, key_path)
>>> bucket = connection.get_bucket('my-bucket')
>>> bucket.upload_file('~/my-file.txt', 'remote-text-file.txt')
>>> print bucket.get_all_keys()
[<Key: my-bucket, remote-text-file.txt>]
If you don't provide a key value,
we will try to upload the file using the local filename
as the key
(**not** the complete path)::
>>> from gcloud import storage
>>> connection = storage.get_connection(project_name, email, key_path)
>>> bucket = connection.get_bucket('my-bucket')
>>> bucket.upload_file('~/my-file.txt')
>>> print bucket.get_all_keys()
[<Key: my-bucket, my-file.txt>]
:type filename: string
:param filename: Local path to the file you want to upload.
:type key: string or :class:``
:param key: The key (either an object or a remote path)
of where to put the file.
If this is blank,
we will try to upload the file
to the root of the bucket
with the same name as on your local file system.
key = self.new_key(key)
return key.set_contents_from_filename(filename)
[docs] def disable_website(self):
"""Disable the website configuration for this bucket.
This is really just a shortcut for
setting the website-related attributes to ``None``.
return self.configure_website(None, None)
[docs] def reload_acl(self):
"""Reload the ACL data from Cloud Storage.
:rtype: :class:`Bucket`
:returns: The current bucket.
self.acl = BucketACL(bucket=self)
for entry in self.get_metadata('acl', []):
entity = self.acl.entity_from_dict(entry)
return self
[docs] def get_acl(self):
# TODO: This might be a VERY long list. Use the specific API endpoint.
"""Get ACL metadata as a :class:`` object.
:rtype: :class:``
:returns: An ACL object for the current bucket.
if not self.acl:
return self.acl
[docs] def save_acl(self, acl=None):
"""Save the ACL data for this bucket.
If called without arguments,
this will save the ACL currently stored on the Bucket object.
For example,
this will save
the ACL stored in ``some_other_acl``::
>>> bucket.acl = some_other_acl
>>> bucket.save_acl()
You can also provide a specific ACL to save
instead of the one currently set
on the Bucket object::
>>> bucket.save_acl(acl=my_other_acl)
You can use this to set access controls
to be consistent from one bucket to another::
>>> bucket1 = connection.get_bucket(bucket1_name)
>>> bucket2 = connection.get_bucket(bucket2_name)
>>> bucket2.save_acl(bucket1.get_acl())
If you want to **clear** the ACL for the bucket,
you must save an empty list (``[]``)
rather than using ``None``
(which is interpreted as wanting to save the current ACL)::
>>> bucket.save_acl(None) # Saves the current ACL (self.acl).
>>> bucket.save_acl([]) # Clears the current ACL.
:type acl: :class:``
:param acl: The ACL object to save.
If left blank, this will save the ACL
set locally on the bucket.
# We do things in this weird way because [] and None
# both evaluate to False, but mean very different things.
if acl is None:
acl = self.acl
if acl is None:
return self
return self.patch_metadata({'acl': list(acl)})
[docs] def clear_acl(self):
"""Remove all ACL rules from the bucket.
Note that this won't actually remove *ALL* the rules,
but it will remove all the non-default rules.
In short,
you'll still have access
to a bucket that you created
even after you clear ACL rules
with this method.
For example,
imagine that you granted access to this bucket
to a bunch of coworkers::
>>> from gcloud import storage
>>> connection = storage.get_connection(project_name, email, private_key_path)
>>> bucket = connection.get_bucket(bucket_name)
>>> acl = bucket.get_acl()
>>> acl.user('').grant_read()
>>> acl.user('').grant_read()
Now they work in another part of the company
and you want to 'start fresh' on who has access::
>>> acl.clear_acl()
At this point all the custom rules you created have been removed.
return self.save_acl(acl=[])
[docs] def reload_default_object_acl(self):
"""Reload the Default Object ACL rules for this bucket.
:rtype: :class:`Bucket`
:returns: The current bucket.
self.default_object_acl = DefaultObjectACL(bucket=self)
for entry in self.get_metadata('defaultObjectAcl', []):
entity = self.default_object_acl.entity_from_dict(entry)
return self
[docs] def get_default_object_acl(self):
"""Get the current Default Object ACL rules.
If the appropriate metadata isn't available locally,
this method will reload it from Cloud Storage.
:rtype: :class:``
:returns: A DefaultObjectACL object for this bucket.
if not self.default_object_acl:
return self.default_object_acl
[docs] def save_default_object_acl(self, acl=None):
"""Save the Default Object ACL rules for this bucket.
:type acl: :class:``
:param acl: The DefaultObjectACL object to save.
If not provided, this will look at
the ``default_object_acl`` property
and save that.
acl = acl or self.default_object_acl
if acl is None:
return self
return self.patch_metadata({'defaultObjectAcl': list(acl)})
[docs] def clear_default_object_acl(self):
"""Remove the Default Object ACL from this bucket."""
return self.save_default_object_acl(acl=[])
[docs] def make_public(self, recursive=False, future=False):
"""Make a bucket public.
:type recursive: bool
:param recursive: If True, this will make all keys inside the bucket
public as well.
:type future: bool
:param future: If True, this will make all objects created in the future
public as well.
if future:
if recursive:
for key in self: