Getting started with Cloud Datastore


If you just want to kick the tires, you might prefer Cloud Datastore in 10 seconds.

Creating a project

  • Create a project

    Start off by visiting and click on the big red button that says “Create Project”.

  • Choose a name

    In the box that says “name”, choose something friendly. This is going to be the human-readable name for your project.

  • Choose an ID

    In the box that says “ID”, choose something unique (hyphens are OK). I typically choose a project name that starts with my initials, then a hyphen, then a unique identifier for the work I’m doing. For this example, you might choose <initials>-quickstart.

Then click OK (give it a second to create your project).

Enabling the API

Now that you created a project, you need to turn on the Cloud Datastore API. This is sort of like telling Google which services you intend to use for this project.

  • Click on APIs & Auth on the left hand side, and scroll down to where it says “Google Cloud Datastore API”.
  • Click the “Off” button on the right side to turn it into an “On” button.

Enabling a service account

Now that you have a project, we need to make sure we are able to access our data. There are many ways to authenticate, but we’re going to use a Service Account for today.

A Service Account is sort of like a username and password (like when you’re connecting to your MySQL database), except the username is automatically generated (and is an e-mail address) and the password is actually a private key file.

To create a Service Account:

  • Click on Credentials under the “APIs & Auth” section.

  • Click the big red button that says “Create New Client ID” under the OAuth section (the first one).

  • Choose “Service Account” and click the blue button that says “Create Client ID”.

  • This will automatically download a private key file. Do not lose this.

  • Rename your key something shorter. I like to name the key <project name>.p12.

    This is like your password for the account.

  • Copy the long weird e-mail address labeled “E-mail address” in the information section for the Service Account you just created.

    This is like your username for the account.

Add some data to your dataset

Open a Python console and...

>>> from gcloud import datastore
>>> dataset = datastore.get_dataset(
>>>     '<your-project-id-here',
>>>     '<the e-mail address you copied here>',
>>>     '/path/to/<your project>.key')
>>> dataset.query().fetch()
>>> entity = dataset.entity('Person')
>>> entity['name'] = 'Your name'
>>> entity['age'] = 25
>>> dataset.query('Person').fetch()
[<Entity{...} {'name': 'Your name', 'age': 25}>]

And that’s it!

Next, take a look at the complete Cloud Datastore.