Cloud Storage in 10 seconds

Install the library

The source code for the library (and demo code) lives on GitHub, You can install the library quickly with pip:

$ pip install gcloud

Run the example script included in the package:

$ python -m

And that’s it! You should be walking through a demonstration of using to read and write data to Google Cloud Storage.

Try it yourself

You can interact with a demo dataset in a Python interactive shell.

Start by importing the demo module and instantiating the demo connection:

>>> from import demo
>>> connection = demo.get_connection()

Once you have the connection, you can create buckets and keys:

>>> connection.get_all_buckets()
[<Bucket: ...>, ...]
>>> bucket = connection.create_bucket('my-new-bucket')
>>> print bucket
<Bucket: my-new-bucket>
>>> key = bucket.new_key('my-test-file.txt')
>>> print key
<Key: my-new-bucket, my-test-file.txt>
>>> key = key.set_contents_from_string('this is test content!')
>>> print key.get_contents_as_string()
'this is test content!'
>>> print bucket.get_all_keys()
[<Key: my-new-bucket, my-test-file.txt>]
>>> bucket.delete()


The get_connection method is just a shortcut for:

>>> from gcloud import storage
>>> from import demo
>>> connection = storage.get_connection(

OK, that’s it!

And you can always check out the Cloud Storage.